For Washington State Schools Only

August ’19

Since 2012 I have been offering a discount to schools in my home state in the month of August for Keynotes and Workshops to engage and excite educators for the coming school year.

What I Offer

I offer a global view on education, and of this current generation, to help educators understand the new connected world we live in and how to engage the connected students in our classrooms and schools.


This year’s keynote is titled:

Respecting Students and Their Culture


I do either half day or full day workshops. These can be a follow ups to the Keynote or a stand alone PD day.

Google Training

Looking for some training specifically on Google Suite Tools? My team of Google Certified Trainers can help!

Board Retreats

Change and culture shift starts with the board. I have helped to support districts through board retreats and help board members understand the fundamental shift we are going through in education.

Leadership Days

Understanding what you are looking for in a connected classroom helps focus good use of technology with students. I support both the CEL 5D+ and Danielson Frameworks.

Parent Nights

Looking to support your community? Parent Technology Nights are one of the greatest ways to help parents understand the new digital connected world their children are growing up in and why technology is vital to their education.

In December of 2018, I was asked to present at the Global Knowledge Summit in Dubai to talk about the changes occuring in K-12 Education Globally. This talk is in part this year’s Keynote message.

The Details

Keynote: Respecting Students and Their Culture

Technology has had a significant influence on the current generation of students in our schools. Understanding their culture and how technology has influenced them is something that every educator needs to know and understand. Why are they hanging out in their phones? How do they talk today? What are the impacts the technology is having on the way this generation learns and expects to be taught? It is a new digitally connected world and “I’m not good at technology” is no longer an excuse educators can afford to hide behind. We need to meet them where they are at…and increasingly that place is in devices.

Admin: Looking for Learning in the Digital Classroom

Just because the laptops are open does that mean learning is occurring? We need to move beyond doing old activities in new ways to doing whole new activities that lead to deeper more meaningful learning. This session will help administrators learn what to look for in the digital classroom. Using new theories and new standards, administrators will walk away with a greater understanding of how digital tools change the learning landscape and allow for authentic learning experiences.

Community: Parenting in the Digital World

A one or two-hour parent session on understanding the digital lives of teens today. This presentation can be tailored to be given to just parents or to parent/child audiences.

Workshop: Teaching a Media First Generation

We must understand that this generation of students is media first, text second. They have grown up in a media-rich world. How do we use this idea to capture their attention, allow them to think deeply about subjects and engage them in the text-based world that seems foreign to many of them? We dive deep into the world of media to understand students learning habits today.

Workshop: The Importance of Visuals in Learning

New research shows that children between the ages of 0-8 are engaging with media three times more than our generation. Media plays an important role in the lives of children today. This workshop will focus in on how we can use images and video to engage the media first brain in order to have them engage with the text-based world of our schools. Participants will walk away with no less than five ready to go lesson plans and ideas for how to use images to promote critical thinking and deep understanding of concepts in the classroom.

Workshop: Story Mapping

Everyone knows Google Maps, but have you heard of My Maps? Or have you played with the new Google Earth and all it has to offer? Be ready to think about using maps in a whole new way in your classroom and across the curriculum!

Supporting Washington

I am a product of Washington and Washington Schools (Central Valley, Spokane) and love to give back to the state who’s educational system has made me who I am today. This August special rate of $3500/day plus expenses only applies to Washington Schools and is a flat rate. Use me for an hour keynote or for a full day of Keynote, Workshop and Parent Night or something in between. 

From The Audience

Let's Work Together

Please reach out at any time and let me know how I can be of service to you. Please note that my calendar does fill up about 3-4 months in advance. So the earlier you contact me the better the chances we can find a mutual date that works.

Let's Chat

11 + 10 =